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Raw Spirulina Algae

Vegetarian and Vegan Foods / Vegetables

Health Benefits of Eating Raw Spirulina Algae

Dietary supplement, low in saturated fats, abundant source of vitamin B

Raw spirulina is an ideal anti-aging dietary supplement thanks to its concentrated nutritional value, which is easy to digest. it contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which is good for eye health and vision.

These microscopic algae is a food supplement rich in available iron containing more beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B complex and gamma linoleic acid than any other food. It also contains vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

It is low in saturated fats, unlike other foods with high nutritional value, such as dairy and meats, and provides essential fatty acids, which can not be found in meat, eggs and dairy products. It is also low in calories.

Spirulina in fresh form is especially effective in cases of anaemia, demineralization and depletion. It helps to recover the physical form, the energy and the vitality and to detoxify the organism.

Spirulina in its raw form is an abundant source of vitamin B, essential for the health of nerves and tissues, especially for vegans and vegetarians.

Fresh Spirulina is also a potent regenerator of the intestinal flora and is a powerful activator of cellular detoxification mechanisms. Nourishes and protects the liver and kidneys.

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