Spring detox with fresh spirulina superfood

Image of Fresh Spirulina Detox Juice

Born 3.6 billion years ago, the spirulina microalgae is unstoppable for the first days of spring.

Spring detox cure

Find the way to well-being

Spring is surely the best time to regain control of your health and take a detox cure. Indeed, winter and holidays have damaged our body (excess food, alcohol, stress, less sport …) which leads to an accumulation of toxins. Fatigue is felt, it is difficult to “turn around” and morale is also in the socks. So when spring shows the tip of his nose, it’s time to clean up.

Why do a detox cure?

Some organs called “emunctory” (lung, kidneys, intestines, skin) have the function of eliminating waste from our body. Our modern lifestyle and diet saturate and clog toxins in these organs and the liver. It happens as they slow down of their operation and results in fatigue, weight gain, acne, digestive problems or headaches.

The goal of a detox cure or a drainage is to restart the “machine” and to find the balance. Spring is the ideal season to return to the path of well-being and restore energy to our body before the summer.

How to help my body eliminate toxins?

First, we promote a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. We limit the intake of animal protein (meat, fish, cheese) and farinaceous. We drink water to help our body eliminate waste. Fruit and vegetable juice drinks that promote vitality are favoured (green juices in the juice extractor will support detoxification).

It is possible to complete your cure with fresh spirulina, known to detoxify the body and eliminate heavy metals. Its richness in chlorophyll helps balance the transit and evacuation of body waste.

Image of Fresh Spirulina Detox Juice
Fresh Spirulina Detox Cure

Consumed in detox plan of 4 to 6 weeks, in the form of fresh spirulina (freshly frozen spirulina) to be used in water and smoothie, spirulina boosts the immune system, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.

Fresh spirulina contains 65 – 71% of easily assailable vegetable proteins, without fats or cholesterol. The cell walls of spirulina do not contain or made of cellulose, which means that it easy to digest and absorb. 100% pure and high bioavailability.

Fresh spirulina detox is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 (particularly important for vegetarians and vegans) and is also rich in vitamins E and A (beta-carotene), as well as in omega-3 and omega-6 (GLA’s).

Lastly, the fresh spirulina form detox contains chlorophyll, an organic source of iron.

What to add to your fresh spirulina detox treatment? Spinach, bananas, oranges, apples, pineapples, avocados and celery (organic of course). Go green!

While detoxing

Then we play sports. Walking, cycling, swimming, running … This is a way to eliminate toxins through the skin through perspiration and stimulates the lymph. It is good for the body and the mind by making hormone endorphins pleasure.

Finally, we take advantage of each ray of sun and oxygen in the open air which will promote sleep. We try to go to bed before 10 pm to recharge.

A good cure for all.


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Fresh Spirulina

Fresh Spirulina

Founded in Southeast QLD and located on Certified Organic farmland, we are an Australian-made Fresh Spirulina commercial farm. We are subject to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and produce fresh Spirulina using food-grade nutrients only, pay attention to the freshness and health of our spirulina.

You can visit us at our social media pages at facebook.com & instagram.com